We're delighted to welcome Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council as a new member of Homeless Link!
We asked Fraser Nicholson, Homelessness Partnerships Coordinator, to share a little bit about who they are and what they do to support people experiencing homelessness:
"BCP (Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole) Council was formed in 2019, making it the sixth largest unitary authority in England, with a population of 400,000.
BCP Council has a clear ambition and commitment to preventing and ending homelessness, not merely managing it. They have been Early Adopters of the new Rough Sleeping Data Framework, alongside five other areas in England, and have recently been chosen by the Royal Foundation of the Prince and Princess of Wales to be one of six areas in the UK to be part of the Homewards initiative. This work aims to ensure that homelessness is prevented wherever possible, and that otherwise it is rare, brief and nonrepeating.
BCP Council is also part of the wider BCP Homelessness Partnership, which brings together around fifty local organisations and services, from all sectors, working together to ensure joined up, informed, proactive and collaborative working toward the agreed vision which is “to end homelessness in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole by ensuring everyone has a safe place to live that they can call home.” This work has also involved the co-production of a Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and comprehensive linked Action Plan."
To find out more about BCP Council, visit bcpcouncil.gov.uk or contact Homelessness Partnerships Coordinator, Fraser Nicholson fraser.nicholson@bcpcouncil.gov.uk.