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A roadmap for supporting non-UK nationals facing homelessness in England
30 June 2022
This is a recoding of a webinar on 29 June 2022 where we launched our new report, Unlocking the door: A roadmap for supporting non-UK nationals facing homelessness in England.
Unlocking the door: A roadmap for supporting non-UK nationals facing homelessness in England
29 June 2022
Meaningful solutions to homelessness for people facing immigration-based restrictions on public funds have long felt like missing pieces of the puzzle in national plans to end rough sleeping.
Policy document
Policy briefing on New Immigration Rules May 2021
27 May 2022
In this briefing, we outline what is known about the new rough sleeping Immigration Rules, their worrying implications and make recommendations for homelessness services, local and national government.
Motion for Councils on Homelessness and Immigration Rules
27 May 2022
This is a model motion/resolution that can be used by Councils to express their opposition to the Government Rules, introduced in December 2020. For use in the Support Don't Deport Campaign.
Leaflet guides to drop-in services for EU nationals
20 May 2022
We developed these leaflets to help signpost EU nationals sleeping rough to the support they need.
Learning from Immigration Advice Programme
20 April 2022
Homeless Link grant manage the Immigration Advice for Rough Sleepers Fund, funded by the Greater London Authority. Through interviews and working alongside grantees, we have compiled these insights and recommendations. This briefing is primarily aimed at those exploring how to deliver immigration advice for rough sleepers, be this from the perspective of local or central government, immigration advice services or homelessness sector service providers.
Working with refugees and people seeking asylum
08 April 2022
Practical guidance for supporting people before and after receiving refugee status.
Opening plenary: The current picture of migrant homelessness
06 April 2022
Session 1: Opening plenary: The current picture of migrant homelessness from a series of recordings from the online Homelessness and Migration conference, held on 17 March 2021.
NRPF – what is it and why does it matter?
06 April 2022
This workshop looks at the meaning of No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) and who is affected by it, as well as the impact it has on homelessness. Speakers highlight what services those with NRPF can access and will look at the most common pathways from no recourse to recourse.
Migrant health and access to services
06 April 2022
Everyone has everyday health needs that would benefit from referral to NHS services. However, many migrants face serious barriers that prevent them from accessing the healthcare they need, and that they're entitled to. People don't know their rights, and neither do the organisations that support them. This session will explore barriers and entitlements to NHS services for migrant communities, including vaccinations, and will discuss how traumatic journeys and experiences can often shape mental and physical health needs of this broad group.
Sharing issues & solutions: Morning session
06 April 2022
An open session facilitated by Sirea, where participants share particular issues around migrant homelessness that they are encountering and discuss possible ways forward.
Exploring the links between modern slavery and homelessness
06 April 2022
This workshop will be looking at the link between modern slavery and homelessness. Speakers provide an overview of modern slavery, discuss how it intersects with homelessness and highlights the importance of partnership working and multi-agency approaches to support survivors of modern slavery.