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How can local authorities help prevent domestic abuse?
07 December 2023
Domestic abuse is a primary trigger of homelessness among women and providing an effective response should be a key priority for local authorities across England.
Myth Busting Women’s Homelessness
20 December 2022
Myths or assumptions about women’s experience impact on most aspects of homelessness, from who is represented in the data, how services are commissioned and designed, and how the public treat women who are visibly homeless.
How can services improve their support for women?
03 November 2022
When services are designed without considering how to cater to the diverse needs of people they support, those needs are often hidden.
Promising practice from the frontline
27 April 2022
Exploring gendered approaches to supporting women experiencing homelessness and multiple disadvantage
Learning from the Ending Women’s Homelessness Fund
26 April 2022
Case studies from March to July 2020.
Supporting young women: learning from the sector
21 April 2022
The following presentations were delivered in December 2020 at the Homeless Link young Women’s Network Event, drawing learning from our youth and women’s homelessness work.
Women and homelessness - Churchill Fellowship findings webinar
13 April 2022
This webinar is a discussion exploring how the approaches and models in Canada, Finland and Sweden in preventing and tackling women’s homelessness, could be useful or even replicable in the UK.
Providing Housing First for Women
13 April 2022
Threshold provides a successful, gender-specific Housing First service for vulnerable women in Greater Manchester. Hear about their work, a good practice toolkit they are publishing, and the importance of peer mentoring to the support they provide.
Supporting older women experiencing domestic abuse and at risk of homelessness
06 April 2022
Hear from two of our Ending Women's Homelessness Grantees Safer Places in Essex and Staffordshire Women's Aid in Stafford on the support they provide to older women experiencing domestic abuse and at risk of homelessness.
Supporting Women Who Are Homeless
22 March 2022
Explore how services can develop a gender-informed approach, in order to improve outcomes for the women they support.